Maria Rhodriquez

Christian Junior was very thorough, knowledgeable and informative. He made the experience a personal and pleasant one. I immensely enjoyed the presentation and the cutting edge ideas that any Credit Union can adopt. Thank you so much for the wealth of knowledge.

Sherry Mc Millan
Cathedral Credit Union

Thanks for a great session!

Maidlyn Thornhill
Family Co-op Credit Union Limited

Thank you very much for sharing your heart on this subject. We needed to know all you shared.

Trudy Layne
Barbados Teachers' Co-operative Credit Union

Thank you it was very informative it brought great value to me the whole session

Camille Taylor-Francois
Insurance Industry Credit Union

Great Session Today Thank you! One Thing: We must disseminate value on Social Media!

Michelle Husbands
BWU Co-operative Credit Union

Excellent session, and very informative.

Marina Pierre
Cipriani College of Labour and Co-operative Studies

Very informative re: focus on providing products & services for younger persons being included in co-operatives to ensure succession & continuity. a well-appreciated session.

Sandra Hucey
Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union

Customization of products and services based on members’ demographics is extremely important

Cindy James
Jannou Credit Union

Thank you!!!! It was very insightful

Nyasha Browne
St. Vincent and the Grenadines Financial Services Authority

It was very detailed and has caused me to think of ways our entity can improve our cyber resilience mechanisms, the aim of the programme was explained at the beginning and reinforced throughout the presentation

Janelle Seales
SVG Teachers Co-operative Credit Union LTD

The presentation was clear and easy to understand. The facilitator used real-life examples and even highlight current attacks that can and will affect us. I will be conducting an audit to ensure that our organizational practices are in line with the training and will assist in putting together a training for staff

Goshen Training Services
Goshen Training & Domiciliary Services

We highly recommend Rhics Tech for HubSpot integration, management, and training services. Their expertise, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering exceptional results make them the perfect partner for businesses looking to unlock the full potential of HubSpot CRM.

Melissa Jones-Gittens
Melissa Jones-Gittens Trinidad & Tobago 

The mere fact that I am a repeat customer is proof of how impressed I am with your delivery and my belief that the material that is being taught at your courses adds value to position my business in a lead position for profitability and to achieve its vision. I learnt new concepts and feel more…
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Lynette Taylor
Communications Specialist, Barbados Financial Service Commission

Christian’s brain works as quickly as the internet when it comes to digital strategies and marketing ideas. He was free with his advice and guidance and whatever else he thought would help us understand and implement the knowledge into our organisations’ digital strategies. He has an interactive form of training that allows your learning to…

Ruth Wilson
Soarers International

The greatest takeaway for myself and my team is that we’re able to improve our inbound marketing and sale. Also, how to attract customers, convert them and close them.

Nerissa Sam
Public Service Credit Union

One of the things that stood out to me is the fact that in order for your business to be relevant in this technological age, you can use the different social media platforms to promote your business. It can help you to get more customers.

Melissa Jones
Co-operative Bank

I must say this course has been very insightful and I would recommend it for anywhere who is serious about marketing and business growth.

Aarona Moses
Island Twist – Grenada

Coming out of this training, I have a better understanding of the most cost-effective tools that I can use to market my business.

Diana Richmond (Seven Shop)

Morbi ac rutrum elit. Nullam pretium mi quis hendrerit malesuada. Duis tristique lectus odio. Integer ornare risus id ipsum porttitor, dignissim pellentesque lorem commodo.

Anna Grey (Seven Media Group)

Quisque dolor odio, semper sit amet euismod nec, consectetur maximus massa. Fusce id dolor sed risus sagittis vestibulum. Donec molestie tristique maximus.

Kimalene Regis
Ariza Credit Union, Grenada

I loved the practical application of course content and quality of information shared. I have learnt how to implement social media campaigns, establish brand presence and create email marketing campaigns.

Alafia Whiskey
Operational Efficiency

This training has revitalised and motivated me. Where I saw limits before, I now see so much potential and opportunity. Every area touched on was relevant, and is applicable in todays world dominated by social media. The teaching style is excellent and very engaging! It was intense, yet enjoyable. I intend to utilise all that…
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Course Delegate

I enjoyed the hands-on practical aspect of the course. I now hope to reach the international market through a dedicated digital business strategy.